The Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University, congratulated for passing the bill on education and Psychological Services into law through the DPR RI Plenary Meeting on Thursday, July 7, 2022. In the meeting, Hetifah Sjaifudin (Vice Chairman of Commission X DPR RI) conveyed six main topics or substance of the bill, among others, which are:
1. Improving the quality of psychological education, psychological services, the competitiveness of human resources, and the community’s psychological well-being.
2. Structuring and providing certainty of the process and stages of providing education for psychologists through academic and professional education, both practicing psychologists and psychologists as scientists.
3. Regulating cooperation between universities and professional organizations.
Overseas graduate psychologists and foreign psychologists are given assurance of arrangements in providing services after having a Registration Certificate (STR) and a Psychology Service Permit (SILP).
Provision of regulatory certainty for psychologists to have STR and obtain SILP, where STR is issued by the parent-professional organization of the psychology association and SILP is issued by the central government with a recommendation from the parent-professional organization of the psychology association.
Regulation and certainty of guidance and supervision by the government to professional organizations to improve service quality, client protection, development of psychologist competence, protection of psychologists, and disclosure of information on psychologist services to the public.
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UNDIP Psychology, Be Better!
UNDIP, Jaya!
Faculty of Psychology
Diponegoro University