It’s been 28 years since the Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Diponegoro contributed to the advancement of psychology in Indonesia. In line with the vision of becoming an Indonesian family-based psychology development center that adapts to the evolving times in Southeast Asia by 2025, the Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Diponegoro is hosting a program on positive parenting and family mental health during the 28th anniversary celebration.

The anniversary celebration also serves as a gathering event for the great family of the Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Diponegoro by inviting notable lecturers who witnessed the establishment of our Faculty of Psychology. May hope and enthusiasm persist at our “magenta” campus to continue making contribution to the development of family-based psychology.

In order to commemorate the 28th anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Diponegoro, the 2021-2025 Administrators of the Undip Psychology Alumni Association have gifted the trumpet tree (Tabebuya), symbolically received by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Diponegroro. Thank you for the attention, may the tree fluorish grow and bring abundant benefits.

The Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Diponegoro also expressed its gratitude to the Faculty of Psychology of Gadjah Mada University, Chief of Human  Resource Officer (CHRO) Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Regency, Psychology Alumnus‘96, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk., PT Bank Mandiri (persero) tbk, BNI 46 Branch Undip Semarang, Bank Jateng, PT Bank Mandiri (Perseros) T bk., and Faculty of Psychology of Airlangga University, for flower bouquets given to commemorate the 28th Anniversary of Faculty of Psychology of Universitas Diponegoro University.