Mar 12, 2021 | Faculty Activities
The results of the Times Higher Education (THE) Emerging Economies University Rankings 2021 which were released on March 10, 2021 shows that Universitas Diponegoro is in the 401-500 position at the Global level and the 6th National level (after UI, ITB, UGM, ITS, IPB...
Nov 3, 2020 | Faculty Activities
WORLD CLASS VISITING PROFESSOR In Quantitative Research Methodology Course 2nd Series= Quantitative Research Design and Data Collection Strategies during Pandemic COVID-19 Presented by: Prof. Dr. Hab. Mariola Bidzan Prof Pawel Jurek Judyta Borchet, Ph.D University of...
Oct 14, 2020 | Faculty Activities
The Dean of Faculty of Psychology UNDIP with the Rector and his staffs and all unit leaders in Universitas Diponegoro planted trees in Penggaron Forest for Soft Opening of KHDTK (Kawasan Hutan Dengan Tujuan Khusus) on Sunday, 11 October 2020. This event was part of a...
Jun 27, 2020 | Faculty Activities
Good morning all colleagues. In order to support the ranking of UNDIP at the international level, we request the participation of all alumni to fill tracer studies through the link below: University Link: The percentage of alumni who filled the...
Apr 9, 2018 | Uncategorized
[:id]Kabar gembira datang dari Valentino Marcel Tahamta (Marcel) dari Angkatan 2014 yang mendapatkan prestasi sebagai Peneliti Muda Terbaik di konferensi nasional ke 3 Peneliti Muda Psikologi Indonesia yang diselenggarakan Fakultas Psikologi UHAMKA Jakarta pada...