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The Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Diponegoro conducted its 6th Summer Course entitled The 6th PSYCHE Summer Course 2024 “Igniting the Spirit of Inclusivity to Foster Youth Empowerment”. The activities were held from July 10 to 19, 2024 in Semarang. This year, the Summer Course invited 54 international participants to discuss about inclusivity issues, cultural diversity, and invited them to be directly involved in cultural activities with community organizer in Semarang.

The PSYCHE Summer Course 2024 event was opened with Dugderan dance performance, part of the Dugderan tradition of the Semarang city in welcoming the month of Ramadan. The opening of the Summer Course activities was followed by remarks from Mrs. Fika Nadia Tirta Maharani, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist, as the PIC Summer Course PSYCHE 2024, continued by Dr. Novi Qonitatin, S.Psi., M.A., Vice Dean II of the Psychology Faculty, and the Head of KUI, Mr. Pulung Widhi Hari Hananto, S.H., M.H., L.L.M.. The flower garlanding and co-card to the participants’ representatives marked the official start of the Summer Course PSYCHE 2024. The introduction of cultural activities began on the first day, when 54 participants from various
countries including, Malaysia, India, New Zealand, and Philippines, learned traditional dances with UKMF Independence. On the next day, the participants enjoyed relaxation activities presented by Mr. Y.F. La Kahija, S.Psi, M.Sc., followed by a “Meditative Drawing” session led
by one of the participants, Cristina Gilmore. On the third day, they were invited to learn more about Indonesian arts through activities at Klub Merby such as making batik, painting hats, dancing traditional dances, and playing gamelan. The day was wrapped up with a city tour to Lawang Sewu and Kota Lama.

Not only getting to know Indonesian culture, the participants were also invited to stay and do activities with the locals in Desa Wisata Lerep. The three-day visit allowed the participants the opportunity to understand more about the daily life of the community by staying with the locals in
Desa Wisata Lerep. Some of their activities included participating in Wayang Suket education, getting to know Batik Ecoprint, making herbal drinks, and ending the visit with a torch relay. In addition to cultural activities, the participants also enjoyed the beauty of nature at Curug Lawe
Benowo. The PSYCHE Summer Course 2024 was closed on Thursday, July 18, 2024 with participants’ performance to showcase their talents. In the evening, the Bambangan Cakil Dance was presented as the opening performance, followed by dinner, winner announcement, and flash mob by the participants, the committee, and lecturers. Through the PSYCHE Summer Course 2024, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Diponegoro is committed to enhance the experience and ability to establish relationships with international students, as well as playing an active role in fostering inclusivity as a passion for work and collaboration in the global scene.