We proudly announce that The University of Diponegoro Faculty of Psychology has established a Psychological Research Ethics Committee (KEPPU). The establishment of KEPPU refers to the National Health Research and Development Ethics Guidelines and Standards. The guidelines were published by the National Health Research and Development Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2017 and by the International Ethical Guidelines for Health-related Research Involving Humans by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016.
The preparation of KEPPU involves several pieces of training, which was:
1.The joint training with the Indonesian Research and Service Ethics Committee (KEPPIN) discussing Basic and Advanced Ethics (EDL) and Good Clinical Research Practice (GCRP) on 8 July and 2 – 4 August 2021.
2. Research Ethics Deepening Training (PEP) on 18 – 19 February 2022 with the keynote speaker, dr. Triono Soendoro, M.Sc, M.Phil. PhD. from the Indonesian Research and Service Ethics Committee (KEPPIN).

3. Review Ex-Ethical Materials and the Establishment of KEP, with the source person(s) from UGM KEP, which involves the faculty of medicine’s KEP, UGM Faculty of Public Health and Nursing (FKKMK), UGM Research Directorate KEP, and UGM Faculty of Psychology KEP on 26 February 2022.

4. The UNDIP KEPPU was carried out with the socialization of the governance and operationalization standard of the Health and Humanities clearance test by the KEPPU core committee and the UNDIP Faculty of Psychology academics staff. The establishment of KEPPU was inaugurated by the vice dean of Academics and Student Affairs, the University of Diponegoro, on Friday, 1 April 2022, at the Faculty of Psychology, UNDIP. All of the lecturers, UNDIP rectorate staff, the representatives from KEP UNDIP (FKM and FK), and the representatives of the Research Institute of the Faculty of Psychology in Central Java and Yogyakarta attended the event.

In 2022, which is the first year, KEPPU will operate in serving the ethical clearance letter for the faculty matters. The KEPPU and the faculty administrators will hold several annual evaluations every mid and end of the year as one of the considerations in enlarging the service and human resources of KEPPU.
We hope the best for KEPPU with the help and blessing of Allah Shubhanahu wata’ala in running the errands and services.
Tanggal: 15 Juni 2022
Translator: Lyra Asaria Uthan