The Faculty of Psychology, University of Diponegoro, conducted a webinar for World Class Professor (WCP) Program on Saturday, 17 June 2021, 08.00 – 13.00 (Western Indonesian Time) with the theme “Current Trends in Research Methods in Psychology to Improve Quality of Published Articles.” This program took place from 17 July – 26 August 2021 and was become one of the programs that support UNDIP to be World Class University. The Faculty of Psychology invited Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Awang Idris from the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Malaysia. The University of Malaya is one of the world’s best QS100 universities that have become the Faculty of Psychology, the University of Diponegoro’s partner in “Tri Dharma PT.”
The first webinar on 17 July 2021 was presented by Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Awang Idris and two other speakers from the Indonesian diaspora, Dr. Yulita from the Faculty of Business Economics and Social Development, Universiti Terengganu Malaysia and Dr. Novi Qonitatin, S.Psi., M.A. The next event was conducted on 5 August 2021 with the theme “Improving Adaptability in Work and Family Settings” to commemorate the Faculty of Psychology 26th Dies Natalis. Then, on 26 August 2021 was conducted a Guest Lecturer Lecture with the theme “Changing Nature of Work and Job Design” and a Webinar with the theme “Building Constructive Voice in Organization” also presented by speakers from the UNDIP Faculty of Psychology.