Faculty of Psychology Diponegoro University conducted a National Seminar, Workshop, and Call for Paper “Optimizing the Role of the Family in the Sustainable Development of an Adaptive and Resilient Indonesian Society in the Age of Change.” The event was intended to commemorate the XXVI Dies Natalis of UNDIP Faculty of Psychology year 2021.

This activity was also carried out to support the movement of the SDGs Sustainable Development Goals, namely in points 3 (Good Health and Well Being), 4 (Quality Education), and 17 (Partnership for the Goals). The events were held remotely due to the covid-19. The Faculty of Psychology has been capable of facilitating this event to improve insight and professional skills and provide space for the dissemination of various research results from the academic community, observers, and expert practitioners in the community.
The rundown of the National Seminar, Workshop, and Call for Paper “Optimizing the Role of the Family in the Sustainable Development of an Adaptive and Resilient Indonesian Society in the Age of Change” run for two days from 24 to 25 April 2021 with the committee consisted of lecturer, academic staff, and students.
On the first day, the events consisted of 5 workshops, namely:
- ATLAS software application for qualitative data analysis by Costrie Ganes Widayati, S.Psi., M.Si., Med., Ph.D. and Kartika Sari Dewi, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psikolog
- Quantitative data processing with JASP software by Dr. Prasetyo Budi Widodo, S.Psi., M.Si.
- Basic psychotraumatology by Dra. Tri Iswardani, M.Si., Psikolog
- Aging Gracefully by Dr. Yeniar Indriana, MS., Psikolog
- Parenting with love: Early Detection of Children with Needs and Prevention of Stunting in Child Development by Dr. Hastaning Sakti, M.Kes., Psikolog and Nuryanto, S.Gz., M.Gizi
Almost 140 participants from various backgrounds attended all of the parallel classes, such as lecturers, college students, teachers, psychologists, and even the member of the UNDIP Faculty of Psychology Dharma Wanita.
Around 78 people registered themselves for the second day on 25 April 2021. The Faculty of Psychology invited honorable figures to present the materials, such as:
- Alissa Qotrunnada Munawaroh Rahman Wahid M.Sc., Psikolog
(National Sustainable Development Goals Ambassador)
Presenting “National Strategy and the Role of the Family in the Sustainable Development of Indonesian Society.”
- Prof. Johana Endang Prawitasari Ph.D, Psikolog
(Advisory Council and Expert Council of the Association of Clinical Psychology and Professor of Clinical Psychology Krida Wacana Christian University, Jakarta)
Presenting “Psychosocial Health: Adjustment Models in Leadership in the Era of Disruptive Change”
- Annastasia Ediati S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D.
(UNDIP Faculty of Psychology Lecturer)
Presenting “Building Harmonious and Mentally Healthy Relationships between Couples in the New Normal Age: Tips and strategies.”
- Dr. Wiwin Hendriani S.Psi., M.Si.
(University of Airlangga Faculty of Psychology lecturer, Head of Indonesian Developmental Psychology Association (IPPI-HIMPSI)
Presenting “Life-Span Perspectives on the Role of Families, Schools, and Communities in Preparing Adaptive Young Generation in the Digital Life Era for the New Normal”
In a Call for Paper event, the committee received 76 abstracts, with 32 accepted and 46 accepted under a particular condition. The quality of the abstract was generally good, so none of the abstract was rejected. The committee was very proud of the event’s popularity. In total, only 20% of the participants were internal audiences. Most attendees came from 23 instances beyond the UNDIP Faculty of Psychology, from 7 provinces in Indonesia.
We hope this event can contribute to making and optimizing Indonesian Families embody a robust, adaptive, and sustainable development in the era of change.
UNDIP Psychology, Our Priority!!!
UNDIP, Jaya!!!
Faculty of Psychology
Diponegoro University
Translator: Lyra Asaria Uthan
Tanggal: 21 Juni 2022