
Fakultas Psikologi Undip terkait dengan rencana pendirian Magister Sains pada tahun ini (2018) maka sebagai langkah awal mengadakan Workshop Program Pendidikan Magister Sains Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro
Dengan judul “Peran Pemangku Kepentingan terhadap Kualitas Pendidikan”. Workshop ini mengundang oara stakeholder yaitu dari Dinas Kesehatan Jateng, Ikatan Alumni Undip, RS. Kariadi Semarang, RS. Tugurejo Semarang, BKKN, BNN dan berbagai instansi lainnya. Hasil dari diskusi dengan para stakeholder menghasilkan kesepakatan bahwa Kebutuhan lulusan magister sains psikologi adalah :
1. Tenaga kerja di sejumlah instansi
2. Studi lanjut/pengembangan karir bagi staf
3. Pengembangan program / program developer : program preventif, promotif, kuratif,
4. Rehabilitatif di berbagai bidang
5. Kebutuhan penelitian di bidang keluarga dan kesehatan mental


Faculty of Psychology Undip related to the plan of the establishment of Master of Science this year (2018) then as a first step to hold a Workshop of Master of Science Program in Faculty of Psychology Diponegoro University Under the heading “The Role of Stakeholders on the Quality of Education”. This workshop invites stakeholders from the Central Java Health Office, Ikatan Alumni Undip, RS. Kariadi Semarang, RS. Tugurejo Semarang, BKKN, BNN and various other agencies. The results of discussions with stakeholders resulted in an agreement that the need for graduates of master of psychology are:
1. Labor in a number of agencies
2. Advanced study / career development for staff
3. Development program / program developer: preventive program, promotive, curative,
4. Rehabilitative in various fields
5. Needs research in the field of family and mental health
