The series of 24th Anniversary of the Faculty of Psychology at Diponegoro University was held well on Friday, August 30, 2019. The event which was opened by the Chancellor of UNDIP, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum was attended by lecturers, education staff, students, stakeholders, deans within the UNDIP environment, and deans / head of psychology at universities in Semarang, as well as the reduction of the UNDIP Alumni Psychology Family Association (IKAPSI). The event was also attended by one of the pioneers of the Faculty of Psychology, Undip, Mrs. Dra. Frieda NRH, MS and Prof. Darmanto Jatman’s wife and daughter namely Mrs. Moer Darmanto Jatman and Mrs. Abigael Wohing Ati.
The first event in the morning session was a scientific speech by Dr. Riza Sarasvita, M.Sc., MHS., Ph.D., Psychologist, Director of Strengthening Rehabilitation Institutions of Government Agencies, National Narcotics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, with the title Role of Family and Community in Supporting Human Resources Superior Indonesia: Psychological Perspectives in Combating Drug Abuse. The event was interspersed with lecturer vocal group entertainment and educational staff at the Faculty of Psychology Undip who brought a medley of folk songs, and a Psychovocalista choir which included the song Cintaku.
The scientific or entertainment oration was followed later by the Launch of a Javanese Storytelling Book written by alumni and pioneers about the experiences of the writers with the founder of the Undip Faculty of Psychology, Prof. Drs. Darmanto Jatman, SU. In the Empathy Psychology program, the Faculty of Psychology UNDIP shared happiness with elders and seniors who had pioneered the establishment and development of the faculty.
The afternoon session was filled with alumni gatherings that invited alumni representatives from each class. The discussion that took place warmly and cheerfully discussed the role of alumni going forward, joint activities that have the opportunity to be carried out, as well as plans for silver dies next year.

Orasi Ilmiah:

Psycovocalista dan Paduan Suara Dosen:


Peluncuran Buku Bercerita Jawa:


Alumni Gathering: