All academicians of the Faculty of Psychology UNDIP are grateful and happy because on Monday 02 September 2019, the vice deans at the Faculty of Psychology 2019-2024 were inaugurated at 10:00 WIB in the Hall Hall of the Academic Senate Hall and the Board of Trustees (SA MWA) of Diponegoro University :
1. Mrs. Dr. phil. Dian Veronika Sakti, S.Psi., M.Psi., Psychologist as vice dean of academic and student affairs.
2. Mrs. Dr. Novi Qonitatin, S.Psi., M.A as deputy dean of power sources.
Hopefully the new dean representatives can carry out the mandate to jointly join hands with the entire academic community to advance, maintain sustainability, and improve faculty performance. Psychology can, Psychology triumph, Psychology is definitely better !!!