Pada akhir bulan Agustus 2019 lalu, tepatnya 27-31 Agustus 2019. Psychovocalista kembali mengikuti kompetisi tingkat internasional “Satya Dharma Gita Choir Festival” di Rajawali Semarang Cultural Center. Kompetisi ini dihadiri oleh paduan suara dari berbagai daerah di...


At the end of August 2019, to be exact 27-31 August 2019. Psychovocalista again participated in the international level competition “Satya Dharma Gita Choir Festival” at Rajawali Semarang Cultural Center. This competition was attended by choirs from...

Let’s Go Green to Keep the World Clean!!!

Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro menyelenggarakan sosialisasi green campus pada hari Jumat, 6 September 2019. Sosialisasi ini ditandai dengan penjelasan mengenai pentingnya civitas akademika terlibat dalam mensupport green campus dan dibagikannya tumbler...

Let’s Go Green to Keep the World Clean!!!

The Faculty of Psychology, Diponegoro University held a green campus socialization on Friday, September 6, 2019. This socialization was marked by an explanation of the importance of the academic community involved in supporting the green campus and the distribution of...