
japan_congressSelamat dan segenap sukacita disampaikan kepada beberapa dosen Psikologi Universitas Diponegoro yang baru saja pulang dari presentasi paper di 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP 2016), Yokohama, Jepang. Para dosen yang membanggakan tersebut adalah Annastasia Ediati, Msc, Phd., Unika Prihatsanti, S.Psi, MA., Ika Febrian K, S.Psi, M.Psi., dan Dian Veronika Sakti, S.Psi, M.Psi, Phd candidate dari Univ. Leipzig. salah satu paper yang dipresentasikan dari Ika Febrian adalah What is the beneath of playing? An explorative study about parents perception toward playing. Penelitian ini merupakan preeliminary study yang bertujuan mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan dan pemahaman ortu tentang aktivitas bermain yang dilakukan anak. Output yang membahagiakan lainnya, adalah terbitnya hasil penelitian pada Jurnal terindeks Scopus, yang dihasilkan oleh tiga dosen Psikologi Undip yaitu Anggun Resdasari, S.Psi,M.Psi, Harlina Nurtjahjanti, S.Psi, M.Si dan Erin Ratna Kustanti, S.Psi,M.Psi. Artikel tersebut dimuat pada International Journal Of Applied Bussiness and Economic Research volume 13 no 7 2015. artikel berjudul Group Positive Psychotherapy: An Intervention to Enhance Optimism in Women Indonesian Migrant Workers

[:en]japan_congressCongratulations and all the joy was delivered to some Undip PSYCHOLOGY lecturer who had just returned from the presentation of paper at the 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP2016), Yokohama, Japan. The lecturers of the plume is Annastasia Ediati, MSc, Phd., Unika Prihatsanti, S.Psi, MA., Ika Febrian K, S.Psi, M. Psi., And Veronika Dian Sakti, S.Psi, M. Psi, Phd candidate from the Univ. Leipzig. one of the paper title from Ika Febrian”presentation is what is the beneath of playing? An Explorative study about parents perception toward playing, this paper about preeliminary a study which aims to find a picture of knowledge and understanding of parents about the activities which do children play. That play is not just activity likable but also contains a lot of benefits and functions, one being that through playing retrievable identified barriers to the development experienced by the children.Output is more happy, is the publication of research results in journal indexed Scopus, which is generated by three lecturer of Psychology Undip that Anggun Resdasari, S.Psi, M. Psi, Harlina Nurtjahjanti, S.Psi, M.Si and Erin Ratna Kustanti, S. Psi, M.Psi. The article was published in the International Journal Of Applied Bussiness and Economic Research, volume 13, n0.07 2015. the title of article is Group Positive Psychotherapy: An Intervention to Enhance Optimism in Women Indonesian Migrant Workers[:]