In an effort to support Diponegoro University as a World Class University, the Faculty of Psychology UNDIP organized a “World Class Professor” (WCP) by inviting Adjunct Professor Vickie Pasterski, PhD from the University of Cambridge, London UK. Activities will be carried out from 9-23 September 2019, involving various external agendas and networks that can benefit from this activity. The resource person is a psychologist with expertise in clinical psychology and has published numerous publications in reputable journals (h-index Scopus = 16). He has been a visiting professor in the Department of Psychology, University of Georgia, USA. This activity is also expected to support the development of study centers in the Faculty of Psychology UNDIP and increase the number of international publications produced from joint publications.
Psikologi Maju, Psikologi Jaya, Psikologi Pasti Lebih Baik!!!