A total of 2,111 Diponegoro University’s students take the program of student study service (KKN). This time, Faculty of Psychology included their 25 students which will deployed in 10 areas in Central Java, including: Rembang, Jepara, Pati, Grobogan, Semarang, Demak, Tegal, Batang, Pekalongan, and Pemalang.
From Psychology, we have Muhammad Zulfa Alfaruq, S.Psi., M.A and Lusi Nur Ardhani, S.Psi., M.Psi as program supervisor.
In the departure ceremony which was held in Widya Puraya UNDIP Rector Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, S.H., M.Hum conveyed his mandate to the students for always maintain personal health and personal safety, and to always maintain the good name of Diponegoro University. KKN students are also expected to produce innovations from their programs so as to provide benefits to the community.
Separately, The coordinator of  P2KKN UNDIP, Fahmi Arifan, ST, M.Eng said that KKN carried out for the next 45 days is a curricular and interdisciplinary academic activity with the aim of identifying and solving community problems by prioritizing community empowerment. The activities must be in line with the each faculty graduate competence profiles.
Congratulations for the students of Faculty of Psychology!