Faculty of Psychology of Diponegoro University has held Training of Trainer (ToT) “Bakti Pada Guru” activities in collaboration with PT. Charoen Pokphand Foundation Indonesia in Prof. Darmanto Jatman, SU Hall on first floor at Faculty of Psychology of Diponegoro University.The material presented in the training included
1. The potential that given from God, realizing human potential
2. Ethical, develops an ethical character
3. Self-efficacy in the classroom, develops the character of confidence as a teacher
4. Emotion regulation, develops an emotionally intelligent character
5. Discipline, develops discipline character
6. Honest and Fair, develop honest & fair character
7. Leadership with character, develops leadership character
8. Achievement & Enlightenment, develops the characters who are able to inspire achievement and enlighten life
9. Pancasila, develops the character of Pancasilais
10. Indonesia is my country, develops nationalist character
11. Harmony, develops the character that is able to create a harmonious social environment