PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia (CPI) held a partnership with the Undip Psychology Faculty to provide self-development programs for 1000 teachers spread across several regions of Indonesia. This program is held for the realization of the next generation of superior successors. This time, the program of dedication cooperation that is being done by PT CPI with Psychology UNDIP is the stabilization of character education for the teachers through the program entitled “Bakti on Teacher”.
The ongoing program, commenced inaugurated in East Jakarta and North Jakarta on September 11-14, 2017, each of which involved a hundred teachers. This program will be implemented in several regions in Indonesia, nTangerang, Banten, Kupang, Flores, Pontianak, and others.
The opening of the “Bakti on Guru” program in North Jakarta and East Jakarta, was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology Dr. Hastaning Sakti, M.Kes, Psikolog, Director of Basic Teacher Education, Directorate of Teacher and Education Personnel, Drs. Anas M. Adam, Ph.D., Mayor of North Jakarta, Sub-district Head, Village Head. as well as the Commissioners, Directors, and leaders of the Pokphand Working Society. Through the training provided, the teachers who have the opportunity to attend this training will be given the consolidation of understanding in terms of character education. Participants will be trained for two days with a focus on the theme “National Social Responsibility”. Pancasila is also used as the basis for thinking on the training .. With the passage of the program “Bakti on Teacher” is expected to also create teachers who “IDEAL”. In this program, the teacher of “IDEAL” has the meaning of being an Inspirational, Dedative, Empathic, Honorable and Virtuous Teacher.