
Fakultas Psikologi Undip akan menyelenggarakan kegiatan “VISITING WORLD CLASS PROFESSOR” pada tanggal 17-27 Oktober 2017, dengan menghadirkan Profesor Peter Creed, staf pengajar di School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University, Australia sejak tahun 1997, dan saat ini merupakan Editor Australian Journal of Career Development. Profesor Peter Creed mendapatkan gelar Ph.D dari Queensland University of Technology, dan juga memiliki gelar Master of Applied Psychology dalam Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi. Output penelitian yang sudah dihasilkan meliputi kurang lebih 180 peer-reviewed outputs, seperti artikel jurnal internasional bereputasi, buku, dan book chapter. Jumlah sitasi di Google Scholar mencapai 5790, h-index mencapai 42, dan i10-index adalah 103. Semantara itu, jumlah dokumen yang terindeks Scopus berjumlah 120, jumlah sitasi mencapai 1989 yang disitasi oleh 1471 dokumen, dan h-index sebesar 27. Saat ini kerjasama yang juga sedang berlangsung antara Profesor Peter Creed dengan Psikologi Undip adalah Riset Publikasi Internasional dengan Judul: Improving Research Engagement in Indonesian Academics: A Social Cognitive Theoretical Perspective (Second year of a three-year project), dengan Tim Peneliti: Dian Ratna Sawitri, Harlina Nurtjahjanti, Anggun Resdasari Prasetyo.


Faculty of Psychology Undip will organize VISITING WORLD CLASS PROFESSOR activities on 17-27 October 2017, presenting Professor Peter Creed, a lecturer at the School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University, Australia since 1997, and is currently the Australian Journal of the Career Development. Professor Peter Creed holds a Ph.D. from Queensland University of Technology, and also has a Master of Applied Psychology in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. The output of the research that has been generated includes approximately 180 peer-reviewed outputs, such as reputable international journal articles, books, and book chapters. The number of citations in Google Scholar reached 5790, the h-index reached 42, and the i10-index was 103. In the meantime, the number of Scopus-indexed documents amounted to 120, the number of citations reached 1989 which was cited by 1471 documents, and the h-index of 27. this ongoing partnership between Professor Peter Creed and Undip Psychology is the Research of International Publication by Title: Improving Research Engagement in Indonesian Academics: A Social Cognitive Theoretical Perspective (Second year of a three-year project), with Research Team: Dian Ratna Sawitri , Harlina Nurtjahjanti, Anggun Resdasari Prasetyo.
